It can be so much more than a bunch of flowers

It can be so much more than a bunch of flowers

Away from the tinsel and bling of a million cards and cheap, cellophane wrapped flowers, there is a pertinency to Mother’s day being slap bang in the middle of Spring. 

Gone are the days when the allotments were full of retired men and front gardens full of competitive dahlias and oh who can grow the biggest gooseberry (although still great!). Today’s gardeners are typically looking for alternative exercise, fresh air, healthy eating and all round happiness. They are empty nesters, have an average age of 55 and are Women.

Here at nearly 70% of our customers are women and our border spades and forks outsell our larger tools by 2:1. Are the women taking over the garden while the men are taking over the kitchen or is that a lazy explanation of melting gender stereotypes?

I like to think its deeper. Peak materialism passed, people want a sense of achievement in building, producing something, while seeking connectivity to the land and nature.

Has social media helped advance this with instagram influencers particularly well represented with women sharing stories on what you can have?

But first you need to grow it, it’s a lifestyle thing not a shop thing
Check out @good_life_garden (love the tomatoes), @lavenderandleeks  (mix of growing and lifestyle)

So back to commercialism here is what I would recommend for Mothers’ day giving it more of a sense of purpose:

In ascending order of price

  1. Seeds  - they are very personal and great value £1 to £2 – check out heritage varieties
  2. Bulbs – Summer and Autumn varieties £2 to £5 – eg Guernsey lillies
  3. Small herbaceous pot plants £5 to £8 – michaelmas daisies
  4. Nestboxes £8 to £20 – plus inc bat and bee homes
  5. Larger plants £20 to £30 tree peonies are different or climbers
  6. Trees £20 to £40
  7. Luxury garden hoe - high quality precision craftsmanship from John Miller - My Garden Spade @£45 simply the best hoe for weeding
  8.  Luxury garden fork- high quality precision craftsmanship from John Miller - My Garden Spade or border spade - high quality precision craftsmanship from John Miller - My Garden Spade @ £90 great for all round


  • jenny lann

    Support @ leeultimatehacker .com
    wh@tsapp +1 (715) 314 – 9248
    Numerous transactions are often conducted online, and the risk of falling victim to scams and fraudsters is ever-present. Despite our best efforts to stay vigilant, there are times when we may find ourselves ensnared in their deceitful schemes. This was precisely the situation I found myself in until I stumbled upon Lee Ultimate Hacker, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of online fraud. My journey with Lee Ultimate Hacker began with a harrowing encounter with a fraudster on Discord. Their slick promises and enticing investment schemes seemed too good to be true, and thankfully, my instincts urged caution. Despite my reservations, the fraudster managed to obtain my email address and orchestrated a devastating theft of my hard-earned cryptocurrency holdings, amounting to a staggering £135,000. The loss left me reeling, engulfed in a maelstrom of despair and helplessness. The betrayal cut deep, shattering my trust in online platforms and leaving me contemplating the unthinkable. a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of my younger sister, whose unwavering support and timely intervention proved to be my lifeline. She introduced me to Lee Ultimate Hacker, a name whispered among those who had been victims of online fraud but had emerged victorious, thanks to their expertise and dedication to justice. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, I reached out to Lee Ultimate Hacker, clinging to the hope of reclaiming what was rightfully mine. the moment I made contact, Lee Ultimate Hacker demonstrated an unparalleled level of efficiency. Their team of experts wasted no time in launching a thorough investigation into the intricate web of deceit spun by the fraudsters. Armed with technology and unwavering determination, they embarked on a relentless pursuit of justice on my behalf. What ensued was nothing short of miraculous. Within a mere three days, Lee Ultimate Hacker delivered on its promise, orchestrating a seamless recovery of all the funds I had lost to the clutches of online fraudsters. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to the power of resilience and the unwavering commitment of those who refuse to be victimized by nefarious individuals lurking in the shadows of the internet. The impact of Lee Ultimate Hacker’s intervention transcends mere financial restitution. They restored not only my stolen assets but also my faith in humanity. Their unwavering support and dedication to serving their clients with integrity and compassion are qualities that set them apart in a sea of uncertainty and treachery. I am eternally grateful to Lee Ultimate Hacker for their service and unwavering commitment to justice. Their expertise, professionalism, and relentless pursuit of truth have earned my utmost respect and admiration. I am proud to share my story as a testament to the invaluable work they do in safeguarding the interests of those who have fallen victim to online fraud. if you find yourself ensnared in the intricate web of online fraud, do not despair. Reach out to Lee Ultimate Hacker, and let them be your guiding light in the darkest of times. With their expertise and dedication by your side, you can reclaim what is rightfully yours and emerge victorious in the fight against online fraud. Trust in Lee Ultimate Hacker, and reclaim your peace of mind today.

  • jenny lann

    Support @ leeultimatehacker .com
    wh@tsapp +1 (715) 314 – 9248
    Numerous transactions are often conducted online, and the risk of falling victim to scams and fraudsters is ever-present. Despite our best efforts to stay vigilant, there are times when we may find ourselves ensnared in their deceitful schemes. This was precisely the situation I found myself in until I stumbled upon Lee Ultimate Hacker, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of online fraud. My journey with Lee Ultimate Hacker began with a harrowing encounter with a fraudster on Discord. Their slick promises and enticing investment schemes seemed too good to be true, and thankfully, my instincts urged caution. Despite my reservations, the fraudster managed to obtain my email address and orchestrated a devastating theft of my hard-earned cryptocurrency holdings, amounting to a staggering £135,000. The loss left me reeling, engulfed in a maelstrom of despair and helplessness. The betrayal cut deep, shattering my trust in online platforms and leaving me contemplating the unthinkable. a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of my younger sister, whose unwavering support and timely intervention proved to be my lifeline. She introduced me to Lee Ultimate Hacker, a name whispered among those who had been victims of online fraud but had emerged victorious, thanks to their expertise and dedication to justice. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, I reached out to Lee Ultimate Hacker, clinging to the hope of reclaiming what was rightfully mine. the moment I made contact, Lee Ultimate Hacker demonstrated an unparalleled level of efficiency. Their team of experts wasted no time in launching a thorough investigation into the intricate web of deceit spun by the fraudsters. Armed with technology and unwavering determination, they embarked on a relentless pursuit of justice on my behalf. What ensued was nothing short of miraculous. Within a mere three days, Lee Ultimate Hacker delivered on its promise, orchestrating a seamless recovery of all the funds I had lost to the clutches of online fraudsters. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to the power of resilience and the unwavering commitment of those who refuse to be victimized by nefarious individuals lurking in the shadows of the internet. The impact of Lee Ultimate Hacker’s intervention transcends mere financial restitution. They restored not only my stolen assets but also my faith in humanity. Their unwavering support and dedication to serving their clients with integrity and compassion are qualities that set them apart in a sea of uncertainty and treachery. I am eternally grateful to Lee Ultimate Hacker for their service and unwavering commitment to justice. Their expertise, professionalism, and relentless pursuit of truth have earned my utmost respect and admiration. I am proud to share my story as a testament to the invaluable work they do in safeguarding the interests of those who have fallen victim to online fraud. if you find yourself ensnared in the intricate web of online fraud, do not despair. Reach out to Lee Ultimate Hacker, and let them be your guiding light in the darkest of times. With their expertise and dedication by your side, you can reclaim what is rightfully yours and emerge victorious in the fight against online fraud. Trust in Lee Ultimate Hacker, and reclaim your peace of mind today.

  • gaurav bhatnagar

    I lost everything I had in my bank accounts due to a month-long cryptocurrency fraud.I had spent $243,300 on the trading website cixprotrader,with the account manager promising me earnings of $900,700.It took me a while to grasp how implausible their assertion was until I was totally destroyed.Before my childhood friend informed me about CYBERETRIEVE,a cybersecurity and cryptocurrency recovery company with a 100% success rate,I was going through a lot of difficulties and pain.I didn’t hesitate to contact them right away and gave them all the information they needed to start my crypto recovery process,and to my surprise, CYBERETRIEVE was able to get my cryptocurrency back,stop these con artists from accessing it,shut down their accounts, and denounce them to the appropriate authorities. I sincerely appreciate their assistance, and I heartily endorse them. With the help of CYBERETRIEVE,victims of cryptocurrency frauds like us will be able to easily retrieve their money. They take a very efficient and professional approach talk to them via their handles
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    There is a tech expert that can help you in recovering all the money lost to scammers online. It recently worked for me and I now have peace of mind after the huge recovery of all my lost funds. If you are a victim of online scams then I will advise you contact them with the details below.

    Whatsapp: +44 7452 247277 Thank me later.

  • Jackie Hjelm

    Support @ leeultimatehacker . com.
    wh@tsapp +1 (715) 314 – 9248
    In the cacophony of voices heralding cryptocurrencies as the next big thing, I found myself swept up in the frenzy, eager to partake in the promise of untold riches. Fresh off a major success in Hollywood’s real estate scene, I ventured into the world of crypto trading with boundless enthusiasm. Little did I know that amidst the excitement lay the lurking shadows of deception and loss. My initiation into the world of crypto investments took an unexpected turn when I fell victim to a scam forest investment, resulting in the disappearance of $97,500 worth of Bitcoin from my digital wallet. The shock and disbelief were palpable as I grappled with the realization that my once-secure digital assets had vanished into thin air. Panic set in, accompanied by visions of lost opportunities and shattered dreams. In the midst of despair, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Lee Ultimate Hacker Despite its whimsical name evoking images of sorcery and magic, Lee Ultimate Hacker operates at the intersection of technology and expertise, offering a lifeline to those ensnared in the labyrinth of lost Bitcoins. With trepidation tinged with cautious optimism, I reached out to Lee Ultimate Hacker placing my trust in their ability to navigate the complex terrain of Bitcoin recovery. From the outset, their professionalism and commitment to excellence shone through, instilling in me a sense of confidence amidst the uncertainty. But could their promises of seamless recovery be more than mere illusions? My skepticism gave way to curiosity as I delved deeper into the real-world impact of Lee Ultimate Hacker’s services. Through case studies and testimonials, I discovered firsthand the transformative power of their intervention, as users like myself recounted tales of redemption and restored faith in the crypto ecosystem. One such case study showcased the journey of a fellow investor who, like myself, had fallen victim to a scam, losing a substantial sum of Bitcoin in the process. With nowhere else to turn, they sought refuge in the expertise of Lee Ultimate Hacker. Through meticulous analysis and strategic intervention, Lee Ultimate Hacker was able to trace the path of the lost Bitcoin and facilitate its safe return to its rightful owner. Another compelling narrative highlighted the plight of an individual whose digital assets had been compromised due to a security breach. Faced with the daunting task of reclaiming what was rightfully theirs, they turned to Lee Ultimate Hacker for assistance. Through a combination of cutting-edge technology and unwavering dedication, Lee Ultimate Hacker successfully recovered the stolen Bitcoin, restoring peace of mind and financial security. As I reflected on these stories of resilience and redemption, it became clear that Lee Ultimate Hacker’s impact extends far beyond mere technical proficiency. Their commitment to their clients’ well-being and their relentless pursuit of justice set them apart as true guardians of the crypto community. Looking to the future, the landscape of Bitcoin security and recovery appears brighter than ever, thanks to the innovative solutions and unwavering dedication of pioneers like Lee Ultimate Hacker. With emerging technologies and evolving strategies at their disposal, they stand poised to lead the charge in safeguarding digital assets and ensuring a more secure and resilient crypto ecosystem for all. Lee Ultimate Hacker’s reputation as a beacon of hope and reliability in the murky waters of Bitcoin recovery is well-deserved. Trust in their expertise, and let them guide you safely through the storms of uncertainty, towards a future where lost Bitcoins are no longer a source of despair, but a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

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